Friday, January 28, 2011

The So-Called Golden Years

Hi to all,
Let's start by letting you know who I am and why I want to start my blog! I'm Jan, I live in the California Central Coast area and I keep thinking the "golden years" should be starting. Like real soon. And they haven't, so I thought I'd see if anyone else out there has some wisdom/expertise/thoughts about how to get there. Or do we ever get there?

Soon I will add some pics but for today, let's just start exchanging ideas. My hubby and I retired an awesome 23 (!!) years ago and pictured our genteel, socially-networked and community-based life and smiled. We could have it all. We thought. And we did for a while...and there's the catch, the "for a while." We were giving to everybody and everywhere...the church, the homeless, we volunteered lots and gave lots. And as challenging as those roles were, we loved it. I learned how to lead committees, start ministries, host friendship hubby even built our new church sanctuary!

But as time went by, we found needs closer to home. Like our sons, daughters-in-laws, grandchildren, extended families too. More and more our "free" time has been gobbled up by family needs and situations (otherwise known as problems). Has this happened to you? If it has, has it been a positive change or a challenging change? How do you know what family lines to draw? Can we help each other? Please!! Can we blog?! More to come...Jan


  1. Love your blog! Keep it up!!

  2. Thanks for reading along and share your thoughts too! Jan

  3. I shared your Blog with 2 of my friends.....Linda

  4. My pilot and I aren't quite yet into our So-called Golden years; with the current economy it may be a much longer wait. Oh, I'm getting older by the moment but golden years will see us MUCH older. I decided that I was going to make the most of our wait for retirement by truly enjoying the small things that make me happy-the sweet sound of a young child's voice, staying in touch with my family thousands of miles away, the deliciousness of a recipe sent by a friend,phone calls from my kids, gorgeous sunsets, pursuing a new hobby with an old friend to spend more time with her, watching a good reality show even though all around me think they're stupid.You get the idea. I know it may sound trite but I don't want to waste any time. My situation is different than yours. I have much more time to myself, but I guess my point is that somewhere in there you need to take some time, no matter how small, for yourself. For you AND for the others in your life who need your help. Wow, I didn't start out to go on and on like this. I look forward to following you and YOUR thoughts here on your blog. Good Luck!!!
