It's that day for me and I want to take a few minutes to let you know that I am counting my blessings! Hunky hubby was gone over the weekend but drove home last night in the driving rain so he could spend today with me. And brought home a surprise gift. Elder son, now in Texas, left a surprise package for me in his closet. Younger son gave me the computer I am using for an all-inclusive 2011 gift. Grandchildren are buzzing in with texts, facebook notes, phone calls.
But the day is not about things. It's about family. I love that we love each other so much. The challenges (problems?) we have are itty bitty in the big picture. I started this blog so I could learn from you, and you could learn from me, how to be a wiser, more loving person. I trust that you will help me with that and I will help you. In the meantime, God has blessed me with one more day and hopefully one more year. Thankfully and happily, Jan
Happy birthday! Sounds as if you had a really good day. I'm glad.