Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Last "Baby"

I've looked over my posts and see a glaring missing member. My "baby" grandson, who is sweet 17. He is the only one of my four granchildren who was born in Central California. Since his mother had such a difficult birth with her first baby, caution was the watchword of her second pregnancy. Would the pre eclampsia happen again? Could it happen again? What if...what many questions and thoughts.

It was decided that pregnant mama and baby boy #1 would move from Michigan to California and live with us in Central California until baby #2 was born. Thus, they were with us for three months before baby #2 was born. Our son relocated to Southern California in the meantime and visited when he could. It was a totally crazy three months but it worked perfectly. Mama went into normal labor a few days before her due date and baby boy #2 smiled on his way out. No big cry, no drama, just looked up and seemed to be saying "Howdy folks!"

As wee as baby boy #1 was, baby boy #2 was lusty and strong and fat. And content. I believe so many personality traits are there at birth, but our eyes are so full of joy that we can't look deep enough. Now 17, he hasn't changed much--except he's sure not fat anymore! He's well over six feet and like all teenagers, can't eat enough to fill his tummy or fill out his body. His contentment is still obvious. He loves his Gramma and Grampa and claims his "babyhood" happily and proudly when he visits us.

I love to have my "baby" hug me, I barely come up to his shoulders now. He looks so grownup, really older than his age, but he (shh, our secret) claims his points of childhood when he's here with us. He wants THE SAME placemats, THE SAME plastic plates, bowls, glasses, THE SAME games we've always played. I'm so proud to see my "favorite" baby so grown up...but tears creep out when I think my baby is really going to disappear sometime. I so hope not.

Do you have your "favorites" to share? Tell me and our tears will mix together...Jan

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